The cyber gurus proclaimed that the web will make our lives and work more easier by saving time, hmmmmmmmph…. that’s true for the most part… because if you think about it, our blackberries along with google, twitter, facebook, blogging and flickr remain our must have luggage to stay in touch …
If any of the following symptoms in the ritual, stretches the corners of your mouth towards your ears…you have been infected too !
01. even though you rarely call your buddies, when you meet up you simply know what’s been going on in their lives thanks to facebook
02. you rattle on and on about a place you’ve visited and your buddies bug you for pics, no more photo albums (eeeeeeeeek what’s that ?) you give your flickr album link
03. the discussion is on about a college that has great study programmes, “what’ssa name d’ya know?’ to a response that would be ‘forget the site, just punch in the name and google’
04. the lecturer was droning on and on about so much of technical jargon that you only managed to note them down randomly instead of what they actually mean. Why bother there’s always wikipaedia ?
05. you bump into one of your old buddies whom you haven’t met for a long time, when asked for your contact number you cant say it in one go without toodling your phone
06. you don’t know a relative’s number by heart, if great aunt bertha or uncle fred asks for it, you mumble ‘hang on aunt/uncle till I look in my contact book.
07. you stay in touch with all the happenings through RSS feeders on twitter or on any feeder site.
08. you think letters, stamps and postage are weird.
09. you have more passwords and usernames to remember than anything else
10. you cant be bothered with postcards during your travel, your buddies, cousins, relatives and colleagues can see everything on virtual tourist
11. if your blackberry doesn’t beep for messages when you look at the first thing during the day, the customer service of the phone company would be the first person you would call
12. you sometimes don’t bother to talk about this and that but instead find yourself posting links on your buddies’ facebook pages ?
13. your buddy has a funny kid and he blabs about him when you meet, “wait let me post you the youtube link which has a really funny clip of Jason”
14. you don’t need wait till you meet your buddies to show something funny that you spotted, just send the nuts a mms
anymore to come ?
with gratefulness to all my 10 fingers