By now the only jargon we hear are associated with the dreaded pandemic that's raging on, I am not even going to spell out the words in here. On our second year, living our weird lifestyles, wondering what hit us, overthrown by something that cannot be seen. Probably it remains microscopic to further prove that all such things are a bomb waiting to explode and teach humanity the lessons it deserves to learn. I can bring in the mosquito into this example but the only thing being is a mosquito being visible, with what happens after a bite and the epidemic variants that single bite brings being invisible.
Delta seems to be cloning itself and phishing its way through most of humanity's immune system, Humanity is helpless choking and virtually begging for dear life.
Until now, no living being has realized that nature has dropped a gigantic rock on all of humanity, as if to say "You get no more chances I am going to take my place and you will need to act as I want you to".
and here we are caged, restricted, distanced and trying to remain sane.
My focus in this game of survival has always been slanted more on needs than likes and wants, although at times I admit I have given into my cravings for likes and wants. But in this pandemic era, more than ever before, I now measure what is more needed than a need,
I know most of us have changed our entire thinking into switching to carry on merely with basic needs. My head periodically buzzes with visuals of all the times I caught bare basic lives in the villages I once used to visit for work a couple of years ago, To think life has always been this way for these people unlike us urban mice is as if a gentle nudge to say live minus the clutter.
Its amusing to now hear many reflecting on how life was more simple in the days gone by "should we have continued the same way, we would never have to put up with this pandemic drama". It is true in a way but could that be possible to evolve as humanity has been designed to advance ?
Yes humanity has been designed to advance in harmony with nature. But somewhere along the way, an overblown ego and arrogance of humanity chose to let go of nature's solid grip and go on its own way, probably wanting to prove "we can do it better" or merely wanting to prove "nothing is higher than us".
it was a destructive path it took by trying to duplicate nature in all aspects of the human life only to end up failing miserably to the extent that it is destroying its own kind, as its seen with all the adulterated food, cloning, abusing, modifying for gain beyond needs. Nothing is permanent and so was this endless race to reign by abusing nature.
Nature revolted against this barbaric behaviour of humanity.
We have now arrived at a dead end where we have been pushed against the wall, with what seemed like zero solutions that exist to solve this pandemic crisis. No amount of heads brainstorming can come up with a solution to halt this invisible creature in destroying humanity.
We dug our own grave and now fight to find answers.
Medical Science has reached its pinnacle of advancement, it can embed hearts, livers, tissue and patch broken bones, give renewed hope to those who cannot have off spring, It can give a second chance to humanity who has seen death knocking on their door.All of which is good as it pleases humanity giving them an extended contract to occupy this planet,
Humanity gloats over all its advances made and the countless ways that science and technology has elevated lifestyles and made everything so easy, even opening doors (no more using arms but pressing a button).
yet there is no remedy to cure cancer, HIV, Ebola and now C-19.
yet there is no scientific method to make the sun turn up every single day and throw her rays, splash her colour palette on the planet and give life to all its creatures, bring her best in crayoning across the sky with a 7 colour miracle which we term as rainbow bringing a stroke of hope, nor make her disappear in the evening in one place and show up in another place.
yet there is no scientific method to make the moon show up and do her gymnastics with ocean waves and create tides, detox the marine bed and sustain marine life. shine her way through a dark landscape giving life to creatures who survive in the night.
yet there is no scientific method to produce enough oxygen that can flow through all those ventilator tubes of C-19 patients lying helplessly. We chopped the mighty trees that give oxygen for free and now race to hunt for oxygen.
yet there is no scientific method to keep the mighty ocean, a gigantic salted hydro carpet wrapped around the planet, playing all all the while in her own frisky way, while giving shelter to millions of lives under her wing. Sky scraper tall waves, tsunamis tried teaching humanity vented out at all the harassment to her sea bed and for constantly being fed with plastic and toxic waste.
yet there is no scientific method to make the clouds spit out all the excess water in volumes that are only needed for the times. The rains that now come tumbling down race in electrifying force washing away all of habitat and humanity's possessions. I am never a fan of rain, but since of late every time it pours down I look at the sky and then the falling water and ask why are you so angry ? the answer lies in the pace, force and style those water droplets crash.
yet there is no scientific method to make the earth spring water to the rivers that run dry during a drought. There is enough heat to burn acres of wildlife all because a frustrated planet is overworked, tired and exhausted. trying to keep up with unending greed.
yet there is no scientific method to bring in a gentle breeze and a cooling ventilator to the planet. The wind is no more gentle its rebellious and riot blowing out all of humanity's possessions.
Only if all of these could speak the words would be " there were countless chances we gave you but now you will get a taste of your own poison"
along the way how come we never saw the signs ?
were we too caught up to run an endless race ?