Toxic was a word that used to be associated with chemicals or linked to the repercussions it had on the human body. Today while that still is the case, toxic is more linked to relationships at work and social lives. It's something that we increasingly put up with, on and off at work. It's a much talked about topic and strangely we even maybe contributing to 'toxicity' intentionally or unintentionally.
The English language defines toxic as very harmful, unpleasant, pervasive or insidious in the case of relationships and as poisonous substance when referred to chemicals or anything that is linked to medical science.
If we ask anyone if they have experienced working in a toxic environment a majority would give a resounding Yes as their response. I am linking it to work as we spend more time in our lives at work and that does not mean that toxicity does not exist off work. It does at times in subtle ways. So honestly what is a toxic working environment ?
Here are some toxic traits that are common in the modern workplace:
a. Smart work disregarded over good looks. Never mind the fact that the Ken and Barbie dolls cannot deliver to expected standards but eye candy certainly precedes the efficient output by the real work horses.
b. Brown nosing big wigs in expectation of rapid promotions - includes offering to carry briefcases, open and close doors, clean up lunch plates, offer to make tea, coffee and in short a 'Yes' champ.
c. Specific ethnic community being favoured, leading a lifestyle considered as socially acceptable patronizing high end services, to be chosen to traverse the upper rungs of the career ladder.
d. Disliked for being different and not wanting to fit in with the cult. direct communication seen as unacceptable deaf to sensible solutions
Keeping one's head above the murky waters amidst such an environment will only teach a person bountiful lessons in patience and resilience in tackling the sinister side of human behaviour.
By the time you are all ready to ditch the dirty dump, you will realize that you have evolved into an unbelievably mentally tough person so much so, that you could a CEO in hell !