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Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Tea & all its glory

my thoughts are sporadic, 

they waiver, 

concentration swaying,

I battle to keep my mind from drifting,

amidst sporadic patterns of being in the present 

and somewhere beyond 

I feel the need for a recharge 

to bring out the best from my creative cells 

and marry them off with crisp copy

Yes !!!  I need a revival 

bring my thoughts back, 

be more focused, 

and accomplish all the assignments 

that stare back at me from my desk

I scoop out the type of tea for the moment and mood,

and let it lie on the bottom of my tea pot.

fill up the kettle with water, power on and let it boil,

afterwards….. the sound of hissing water exhaling fierce fumes

hits the leaves of camellia sinensis 

twirling the tea leaves into a frenzy

the quiet leaves awaken 

and come waltzing merrily in the sizzling water.

minutes later, the leaves detaches with its glorious flavour 

and glues itself to the fiery water that readily takes it all 

flavour, colour and the rest of the combo

while sending out a heavenly aroma out of the spout

that does a brisk walk through my nostrils

jolting the signal towers of my brain 

sending out beepers to my senses

to light up, awaken and savour the glorious brew 

after a well brewed tea travels through me, fills my senses

stamps my soul with nothing short of serenity, bliss 

and a feeling of heaven on earth

my thoughts return, this time with better clarity, 

I am more focused, on, ready and powered 

to string my creative thoughts on those assignments.

Here’s to the brew that cheers, inspires and synchronizes thoughts and actions !

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